Hello! I am Gerry Hendrickx, a computer science engineer working in IT since 2012 and founder of Hendrickx Consulting. I’m from the Mechelen region in Belgium, working mainly for client in the Brussels area.
I started of my career as a developer for an international consulting firm. Over the past years, I’ve worked for a number a different clients, ranging from insurance and banking to the public sector. I grew from a developer role into more team leading, project management and architecture, but still prefer to keep close contact with coding. It is my belief that in order to succeed as a project manager and architect, a heavy technical background is a big plus. Additionally, in this ever changing IT landscape, it is important to keep on learning, and remain up to speed with the latest and greatest developments in the field of IT. This can be a challenge, because working full time and combining this with a family life is not an easy job in itself, so the time to spend on learning is sparse. Nevertheless it’s needed, and this I why I decided to set up this blog.
Blogging for me is not a way to make money, or build a reputation. In first instance, blogging provides me with a way to learn new things and understand them deeper by trying to explain it in a post. If someone finds value in my posts, then I couldn’t be more happy to share.
The main topics that I’ll be writing about are:
- Software Architecture
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cognitive Services
- Cloud Development
I hope you’ll find something useful for you on this blog. I’ll always refer to the documentation/guides that I used to jumpstart my learning, so you’ll be able to follow the same tracks.
Happy reading,

What I do

Amaris IS&D
I work as the practice manager for Amaris IS&D in Belgium, responsible for the development and cognitive automation practice.
Amaris Consulting is an independent technology consulting firm providing guidance and solutions to businesses. In this era of globalization and rising competition, their holistic Information Systems & Digital (IS&D) services help tip the odds in their customers favor. With a presence in over 60 countries, they have the resources and expertise to react 24/7 to their customer needs and create standards of excellence.

Microsoft Enthousiast
Over the span of my career, I’ve been a big fan of Microsoft and their platforms, tools and vision. I have worked in .NET for the majority of my development lifetime and have come to know and love the ways Microsoft tries to empower their users.
This blog will frequently contain posts that are Microsoft related, but as a true platform-agnostic consultant, we will branch out to other platforms as well.

Software and enterprise architecture has gotten my interest from the start. I love to work on projects where I can have an impact on the bigger picture, and design how components can fit together in the existing application landscape.
Designing software that fits to the customer needs and is well-architected, will have a beneficial impact on the costs and risks involved.
Architecture to me is putting together all the pieces of a big puzzle in the best possible way. Problem solving at its best.
Want to collaborate?
Feel free to get in touch with me on LinkedIn, where you can find more information about my professional experience and send me a message.